Kyle, a shy college student finds himself and three of his friends trapped in an old western ghost town by a pack of ferocious wolves and has to overcome his personal fears to confront the wolves and lead his friends to safety.
Alicia Ziegler, Josh Kelly, Levi Fiehler, Max Adler
Roel Reine
Patrick Ewald, Paul Hart-Wilden, Roel Reine
Asabi Lee, Paul Hart-Wilden
A skilled digital photographer begins a twisted romance with a woman suffering from body dysmorphia.
VIEW DETAILSAfter an experimental drug trial goes awry, the test subjects must fight off sleep, and each other, to stay alive.
VIEW DETAILSA serial killer ruthlessly hunts down a deaf woman after she witnesses his brutal crime.
VIEW DETAILSA newly sober detective must prove his AA sponsor has a power to make people disappear using his butt.
VIEW DETAILSThe dark secrets of Holly's seemingly perfect life are exposed, when an intruder spins her life out of control.
VIEW DETAILSWhen Holly’s dark secret is uncovered by her new neighbor, they are pulled into a violent battle with her father.
VIEW DETAILSBased on a horrific true story, the film follows the infamous prison break of the savage Gary Tison and Randy Greenawalt
VIEW DETAILSFour characters wake in a desert, disoriented and lost with no clue where they are or how they got there.
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